Simply the best!
Ultimate touring flexwing
Whether you're going on a long cross country flight or just over the horizon to a fly-in, this aircraft will draw a crowd upon landing! The unique aerodynamic monocoque composite carbon fiber body shell provides increased strength and rigidity, all at minimum weight. The wrap-over windscreen produces optimum pilot and passenger comfort while retaining full visibility. The cantilever sprung composite main undercarriage soaks up the roughest fields, making rough-field landings an most enjoyable experience. The large 20 gallon fuel tank gives you all day flying without the worry of fuel stops. Add an optional BRS parachute for a maximum 1042 lb. take-off weight. In summary the PulsR is at the cutting edge of microlight design and one where others simply follow.
PulsR is the ultimate touring trike.
There are simply no compromises. The most advanced wing paired with a monocoque carbon chassis it is the ultimate cross-country aircraft of its kind.
Comfortable seating available as S-LSA or E-LSA.
Carbon Fiber Carriage
The unique aerodynamic monocoque composite carbon fiber body shell provides increased strength and rigidity, all at minimum weight. The wrap-over windscreen produces optimum pilot and passenger comfort while retaining full visibility. The cantilever sprung composite main undercarriage soaks up the roughest fields, making rough-field landings an most enjoyable experience. The aircraft comes standard with a heavy duty aircraft cover and a separate winshiled/wind canopy cover, wheel spats storage bags and 3-blade prop. covers.
Wrap Over Windscreen
The all new wrap over windscreen improves the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft greatly, while creating industry leading cockpit comfort! You can easily fly with a ball cap and headset! Reduced wind buffeting reduces pilot fatigue during long flights.
The canopy is fitted with 4 guides and strong latches for easy removal and replacement. Also includes a complete padded canopy cover for protection while storage or transport.
Adjustable Seating
The pilot seat slides fore and aft to accommodate tall and short pilots with equal comfort. The rear seat can be adjusted up and down. This is GREAT for flight instructors who need to see over their student's shoulders to monitor the flight instruments and assess pilot performance. If you have a tall passenger, no problem. Lower the seat for more headroom.
Composite Suspension
Nothing soaks up a rough field like the new composite suspension!
20 Gallon Fuel Tank
With 20 gallons fuel on board you can extend your flight time and range!
Cockpit Comfort
The cockpit is spacious and comfortable. Entry and exit is easier than ever, as you can step anywhere without worries. The carbon fiber body will support your weight anywhere you step in the cockpit. The dash is spacious allowing ample room for EFIS, EMS, Transponder, Radio, Analogs, GPS and your iPad for navigation. Both seating and foot rests are adjustable to accommodate pilot and passenger comfort. The seating is plush and supportive. Seat restraints are easily adjusted. Flight controls are placed for ease of use and optimal visibility.
GTR Explorer Wing (cruise 55-95)
The GTR Explorer is P&M's newest wing. Built especially for the PulsR, the GTR is a perfect match for long effortless, efficient cross country adventures. Not easily affected by turbulence, the GTR flies like you are on rails! Electric pitch control and STARS roll control trim make flying effortless! The wing can be folded over the aircraft for ease of loading into your cargo trailer for that ultimate motor home adventure!
Electric Speed-Trim System
The popular proven electric flight speed trim system works very well. It is conveniently located at easy reach and next to the hand throttle control. It allows for complete speed trim range as well as very precise, small speed adjustments. Push the button forward to speed up and backwards to slow down, it is that easy. The trim speed range for the PulsR is aproximately 55-95mph.
In-flight Roll Trim
Efficient roll trim system allows you to do minor roll adjustments in-flight. The adjustments, if necessary, are usually very small yet effective.
STARS Trim System
The GTR and QUIKR wing have a patented roll augmentation system called STARS (stability and roll system).
Flexwings generally have light handling at high speed but become progressively more stable and heavier in roll at lower speeds. The Stars system works with the trimmer so that the more nose-up (slow) trim is
applied, the more the STARS system works to increase roll response. If you are interested in more detailed information on how the system is setup and works please read the Tech Topic: How the Electric Trim and STARS system works in our Winter 2015 News Letter (Page 6)
More Info.
Engine Mount
The engine is mounted behind a strong carbon firewall that greatly reduces noise and vibration, while increasing safety for the aircraft occupants. The engine fiberglass covers are secured with aircraft grade quick release d-link studs for easy removal and replacement. The top cowling can be removed for regular pre-flight access. With the bottom cowling removed it will give you complete and very easy access to the entire engine and systems for service.
Dr. Bill Brooks (PhD Aeronautical Engineering)
Chief Designer and Director, &M Aviation Ltd, a AA A1 approved design and manufacturing organization. Design, prototype manufacture, test, certification of microlight aircrafts both three axis (CT2K, CTSW, AX2000) and flexwing (Quantum, Quik, GT450, QuikR, PulsR) and also hang gliders (Solar Wings). BMAA airworthiness inspector no. 158.
Flying Experience – Private Pilot’s Licence group A with IMC and night ratings. approximately 3200 hours total, comprising 1200 light aeroplanes, 1600 microlights (mainly testing) and 200 hang gliders. BHPA hang glider pilot with aero tow, winch tow and foot launched power ratings.
98 – 01, Chief Designer, Farnborough Aircraft Company.
94 - 97, Chief Technical Officer, British Microlight Aircraft Association.
91 - 98, Consultant research Engineer, British Aerospace Manufacturing Centre, Cranfield University.
95 -98, External Examiner, Cranfield University MsC Aerospace vehicle design modular course.
87 - 94, Chief Designer/Test pilot, Pegasus Aviation.
84 - 87, PhD in Aircraft Design, Cranfield. Thesis on the Design, manufacture and test of a Carbon Fibre post buckled wing box for the Cranfield A1 Aerobat.
83 - 85, Consultancy for Solar Wings & Ultrasports.
83 - 84, Msc in Aircraft Design, Cranfield.
81 - 83, Designer/Test Pilot, Dragon three axis control 2 seat microlight aeroplane.
77 - 80, BA (hons) 1st Class, Industrial Design/Transport course
76 - 77, Merit diploma in Art and Design, Harrow School of Art.
74 - 76, Pinner 6th form college - A level Art, Design and Technology, with prize (work retained by London University).
70 - 74, Pinner Grammar School - O levels Maths, Phys/Chem, Art, Design/Technology, English, CSE grade 1 French.
2006- Chairman, Human Powered Aircraft Group, Royal Aeronautical Society.
2003 – designed, built and flew a replica 1899 Pilcher Triplane for a BBC2 Horizon Programme in conjunction with Cranfield University.
2002 – designed, built and flew a biplane in 2 days with a team of 3 others, beating American and French teams in the Scrapheap Mega Challenge Flight programme.
1998 – R.P Alston Medal of the Royal Aeronautical Society for contribution to flight testing.
1998 – Bronze medal, Royal Aero Club, for contribution to microlight aviation.
1998 – The Seagrave medal for showing the possibilities of transport (Brian Milton’s round the world microlight flight in a Pegasus Quantum).
1998 – designed, helped to build, and flew a canard glider in 2 days for the “Scrapheap Challenge” RDF TV programme.
Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAES)
Chartered Engineer/Euro Ing.
BHPA member, BMAA life member.
Carbon Fiber Body
Wrap Over Windscreen
Adjustable Seating
Composite Suspension
20 Gallon Fuel Tank
Roomy Cockpit
GTR Explorer Wing
Speed Trim
Roll Trim
Engine Mount
Superior Design
P&M PulsR 912S
Flight specifications:
Cruise trim: 55-95 mph
VNE: 120 mph
Stall: 39 mph
Fuel Capacity: 20 gal
Fuel Burn: 3.43 gph
Load Capacity: 485 lbs
Engine: Rotax 912S (100 hp)
Come aboard for a short flight and take a peek inside the cockpit of this amazing Light-Sport trike.
The PulsR is very comfortable and stable in flight. The large canopy does provide very good protection from the wind, yet it is not obtrusive.
This Weight-Shift Control LSA aircraft is on a very unique class by itself for sure. It is the best touring trike available and somewhat a cross over from Light-Sport fix wing offering a bit more of a canopy enclosure and comfort not found in any other Weight-Shift LSA, but with the added fun factor and easy transport and storage of a trike.
Adjustable seats front and back work extremely well and can accommodate pilots and passengers of different sizes. The large instrument panel accommodates all flight instruments required as well as additional gadgets.
PulsR tour
Gary provides us with an up-close video tour of some of the P&M PulsR very unique features. See for yourself why this amazing aircraft has been given the LSA Innovation Award at the 2016 Sun-N-Fun aviation show.